So this weekend our b-ball 'team' [quotation marks because there's only 8 people] went to Panburn, Saskatchewan to play Millar College of the Bible. It's about a 6 hour drive, which went by not too bad on the way there because I slept most of the way. Although I created many new positions of sleep previously unknown.
If there is a hole in the earth, we found it. As soon as you pull into this place you automatically lose reception and any grasp on reality. This place was like going back to 1974 summer camp: enough wood paneling to build Noah's Arc, the same teal green shower that was in Grandma's old house, neon 'forest' carpeting in the weight room, rubber tile flooring in the gym/barn, and 40 years worth of musty smells.
We lost both our games, but not by much...FRUSTRATING!!!!! A notable thing about the game though was Millar's cheer:
Person A: Who's it for?
Bahahah we did not know if they were for real. In combination with our Toby Mac/Chris Tomlin warm-up music, we realized that this is truly the middle of nowhere
We slept on the floor of their couch area on stained foamies and woke to the sound of the pay phone ringing...their only form of communication with the outside world. I'm pretty sure there is someone listening to their conversations or something. They even lock the girls dorms at curfew to "prevent creepers"...but really...where are these creepers coming from? Would they really travel to this place???? THERE AREN'T EVEN ANY TOWNS NEAR THEM! The closest one only has a gas station that closes at 10, so an hours drive to Swift Current is what brightens up their week.
The drive back was painful. A person can only get so much sleep, and I reached that point. I would have to force myself to pretend to sleep because it felt like you were going nowhere fast when looking out the window. The scenery just does not change. By the end we were dying to get out and our windows even started to fog because we couldn't even breathe in the back anymore. This is when Rachel made Titanic hands after our unnecessary drive through downtown before making back to Ambrose.
Monday, January 18, 2010
Sunday, January 10, 2010
Spaces in between

So I think that because I know that the lack of business school-wise at the beginning of a new semester will only last so long, I've been trying to check off a list of things to do.
Today involved waking up WAY too freakin early to head up to Lake Louise. We are kinda in a chinook right now so it needs to be used wisely. Alana and I navigated the sometimes-sparse runs with labels like 'Rock Garden' while Emma and Cecily played cards by the fire in the lodge. We were super tired after lunch and even started dozing off on the lift, but eventually we found our energy and finished off the day.
After a stop at res I finally got to go to Peter's Drive In for milkshakes (well for us it was Peter's Drive-Thru because about 39 charter buses came at the same time we did). It was kinda funny because Alexis and Laura were in her car and Cecily, Emma, and I were pulled up right beside them with our windows down just talking. At one point this guy and girl sat at a picnic table right in front of her car. So she kept honking at them and they gave us the weirdest looks. Then we went and picked up some mammoth slices of pizza for Shanny and Kiki and returned 'home'
The end
Saturday, January 9, 2010
Shee should sit beside us
So I thought about doing an in-depth re-cap of this first week..but a short one will have to suffice before I get into last night.
Sunday - After what seemed like forever, I am back in Calgary and Res. Find my lonely friend Laura and go out for din-din and caught some Sherlock Holmes action.
Monday - Woke up and unpacked. Went back to the dreaded place (known as the Caf) for some breakfast. Came back to Alana coming out of my bathroom and then heading to Superstore with her and Laura. Began watching Kyle XY (a.k.a the show which no one on earth has heard of). Alexis returns and we chill in their room until the eventual landing of Kiki and Cecily (plus Emma) at who knows when in the morning.
Tuesday - Went to my 3-hour 8:15am class (WELCOME BACK ASHLLLLEEEEYYYY), which is my only class Tuesdays (SUCK IT UP ASSSSHHHHLLLLEEEEYYY). Continued the Kyle XY thing and had basketball...and that's about all that jogs the memory for this day
Wednesday - Went to my only other classes this semester (9:45 and 1:00). Went and saw Avatar with Alana and Alexis, which was freaking crazzzzyyyyyyyy good. Then being the totally awesome people we are, we avoided recycling our 3D glasses and popped out the lenses. We're such Indie NOOBS! Waited all day for my roomie to come back.
Thursday - No classes! So I dragged myself to an 'exciting' chapel consisiting of one man reciting Eccelsiastes creatively. Then headed to IKEA with Laura, Cecily, and Becky. Had some GT's (good times for those of you who are inept ;) taking pictures and various rooms in various positions. Oops, that's kinda awkward.
Now onto yesterday. Cienna had the great idea spawned from watching the most riveting movie in New Testament, that we should go to a hookah bar after basketball. Well after losing my dinner as a result from practice, I didn't really feel like going. But i dragged my butt outta Res, along with Shanny's, and went with Cienna and Rachel to this place on 1st and 10th. We felt like the biggest noobs ever because we had NO idea what the heck to do. Fortunately we had a nice waitress who pointed us in the direction of pomegranate and white grape. So we sucked our brains out for a while until Alexis came after some birthday parties she was at (I know the GG of C --> HAHAHAH I AM SOOO FUNNY). Then we started asking the people beside us how to blow rings. Our attempts just looked like we were fish looking for some fun. We were told that the draft surrounding our table was hindering pretty much we were all pros at it, you just couldn't tell. Light-headed, we called it quits and found ourselves at a pizza place near Walmart. They must have thought we were super drunk because we could not stop laughing. Then whenever Shanny would laugh, the parmesan cheese on her pizza would make a big 'poof' from her nostril air. We finished off the night at 3:30am after we hung out in our room for a while and contemplated extending the night...but were too tired.
Sunday - After what seemed like forever, I am back in Calgary and Res. Find my lonely friend Laura and go out for din-din and caught some Sherlock Holmes action.
Monday - Woke up and unpacked. Went back to the dreaded place (known as the Caf) for some breakfast. Came back to Alana coming out of my bathroom and then heading to Superstore with her and Laura. Began watching Kyle XY (a.k.a the show which no one on earth has heard of). Alexis returns and we chill in their room until the eventual landing of Kiki and Cecily (plus Emma) at who knows when in the morning.
Tuesday - Went to my 3-hour 8:15am class (WELCOME BACK ASHLLLLEEEEYYYY), which is my only class Tuesdays (SUCK IT UP ASSSSHHHHLLLLEEEEYYY). Continued the Kyle XY thing and had basketball...and that's about all that jogs the memory for this day
Wednesday - Went to my only other classes this semester (9:45 and 1:00). Went and saw Avatar with Alana and Alexis, which was freaking crazzzzyyyyyyyy good. Then being the totally awesome people we are, we avoided recycling our 3D glasses and popped out the lenses. We're such Indie NOOBS! Waited all day for my roomie to come back.
Thursday - No classes! So I dragged myself to an 'exciting' chapel consisiting of one man reciting Eccelsiastes creatively. Then headed to IKEA with Laura, Cecily, and Becky. Had some GT's (good times for those of you who are inept ;) taking pictures and various rooms in various positions. Oops, that's kinda awkward.
Now onto yesterday. Cienna had the great idea spawned from watching the most riveting movie in New Testament, that we should go to a hookah bar after basketball. Well after losing my dinner as a result from practice, I didn't really feel like going. But i dragged my butt outta Res, along with Shanny's, and went with Cienna and Rachel to this place on 1st and 10th. We felt like the biggest noobs ever because we had NO idea what the heck to do. Fortunately we had a nice waitress who pointed us in the direction of pomegranate and white grape. So we sucked our brains out for a while until Alexis came after some birthday parties she was at (I know the GG of C --> HAHAHAH I AM SOOO FUNNY). Then we started asking the people beside us how to blow rings. Our attempts just looked like we were fish looking for some fun. We were told that the draft surrounding our table was hindering pretty much we were all pros at it, you just couldn't tell. Light-headed, we called it quits and found ourselves at a pizza place near Walmart. They must have thought we were super drunk because we could not stop laughing. Then whenever Shanny would laugh, the parmesan cheese on her pizza would make a big 'poof' from her nostril air. We finished off the night at 3:30am after we hung out in our room for a while and contemplated extending the night...but were too tired.
beginning (of the semester)
So here it is.
I've read, skimmed, stalked, looked, and subscribed to blogs for years. I never knew why people would want to write about their lives to the unknown, unforgiving, and uninvited world of the internet. But I have realized that I'm too much of a technological child to write things down on paper kept under lock-and-key (probably because it would get lost or some kind of unknown, past due-date liquid spilled on it). More importantly though, this is a year that I want to be able to remember! It's already half-way done and there are way too many memories from first semester that will eventually be covered and pushed under the clutter of my eventual 'adult' life. So this space is to preserve the random, unimportant things that happen.
Unimportant because, to everyone else reading this, you might just never understand...
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